A / m4-81e

තරුණ ජීවිතේ - A (Orig Key: A)

Select New Pitch:   Ab    A    Bb    B    C    C#    D    Eb    E    F    F#    G 

|A |- |- |-

|E |- |A |-

|A |- |- |-

|E |- |A/D|A


|A |- |E |

tharuNe jiiwithee apee winoodheyEn

|E |- |A |

gEwanne oone sathuru nowii saameyEn

|A |- |E |

mithuru mithuriyan lEsee api hoNdhin

|E | |A |

Enne pRiithi wanne szwome dhzn ithin


|D |

szLEne maNdhe pawan

|A |

pinewanne sith sathan

|E |

noyanne ape wEthin

|A |

tharahayi giyoth ithin


sukomeLii boLeNdheye

tharuNe laLene kadhime ye

siyumzLiye soNdhuru ye

oye gamene kadhimeye

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